Red Pepper Mezcal Marg

Cody created this recipe as a vegetal riff on a Naked & Famous with more depth of flavor. She’s nuanced. She’s fresh. She’s a KEEPER!


2 oz Mezcal (make sure it’s a joven mezcal)
4-5 dashes (or 1 barspoon) Islay Scotch (we used Laphroaig)
1 oz Fresh Red Bell Pepper Juice*
.75 oz Fresh-Squeezed Lime
.75 oz Chili Arbol Syrup**
3-4 dashes Bittercube Chipotle Cacao Bitters
Rim your coupe with Smoked Maldon Salt
Garnish with dehydrated lime wheel

DIRECTIONS: Shake all ingredients with ice until well-chilled. Double-strain into coupe with Smoked Maldon Salt rim and garnish with dehydrated lime wheel.

*Fresh Red Bell Pepper Juice: Use a high-speed blender to blend an organic red bell pepper with a touch of filtered water. Strain through cheesecloth or nut milk bag.

**Chili Arbol Syrup: Combine one cup Demerara sugar and one cup filtered water over low heat until dissolved. Add 7-10 Arbol chilis, cover, and allow to steep for several hours at room temperature. Strain and bottle. Will last three weeks refrigerated.


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